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The last quarter has been particularly busy for Mubesko Afrika as the company launched its new website, prepared to move to larger premises, and aimed some its services at the private sector.

“Mubesko Afrika has an excellent 20-year track record in the public sector where we provide financial accounting and management solutions. In the private sector, we have made pleasing inroads with our Asset Accounting and Modeling and Forensic Examination services, two specialist arms in Mubesko,” says MD Nico de Kock.

The imminent move to new premises signals confidence in Mubesko’s business model and continued growth as the company looks for the space and environment to grow.

“Working remotely has its attractions but Mubesko’s unique value proposition centres around experts from specialist fields – financial accounting, asset accounting and forensics – talking to each other around a table, and cross-pollinating specialist insights. Our clients gain deeper and wider insights and enjoy unexpected value.”

Mubesko Africa used the working-from-home model for many years but decided to move to an office three years ago. The positive interaction between staff and the speed at which challenging situations could be sorted made us realise that we need to be around one another in a manner that virtual meetings can never achieve.

Regarding the new Mubesko website, Nico explains that it is the first step towards developing a digital eco-system which is essential in any marketing strategy.

“Our previous website was functional, but we wanted something that was more user-friendly and at first glance, portrayed what we are about.”